New Jersey School Stages Practice Hostage Drill – Portrays Killers as Fundamentalist Christians
Superintendent says, “We need to practice under conditions as real as possible”
Can you fucking believe this shit? I mean, really, can you just FUCKING BELIEVE THIS SHIT?!?! This is from an article published on
LifeSite.net on Tuesday morning. This is just one more straw added to a camel's back that is already TOTALLY overloaded with fucking straws. I wish The Captain could say that it is the last straw but, unfortunately, The Captain is not so fucking naive to believe that it will end here.
BURLINGTON, NJ, April 3, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – On Thursday, March 22, officials at Burlington Township High School enlisted the help of two local policemen to carry out a mock ‘hostage situation’ drill at their school. The drill invoked disapproval from Christian students as the student body was told that the alleged gunmen were “members of a right-wing fundamentalist group called the 'New Crusaders' who don't believe in separation of church and state.”
Oh yeah, that's right, it's not radical turbaned turds running around, killing thousands of people every day with IED's, homicide bombings, and suicide bombings all over the world, it's Fundamentalist Christians!
School Superintendent Chris Manno praised the drill beforehand explaining that “You perform as you practice. We need to practice under conditions as real as possible in order to evaluate our procedures and plans so that they're as effective as possible.”
Who the fuck is this guy? And what the fuck is this dhimmwhit doing running an institution of learning? ATTENTION CREW, LOAD THE MAIN GUNS AND STAND BY TO FIRE!
This motherfucker needs a good ol' fashioned Skin Head boot party! Has Piss Manno even seen a fucking news broadcast in the last 5 years? Has he read a fucking newspaper? Listened to the fucking radio? Or has he been sitting in his office with his hand on his cock, fantasizing about little school boys and what he'd like to do to them? You TOTAL fucking RETARD!Bob Pawson, National Coordinator of the Scriptures in School Project, denied that the drill portrayed a possible reality and instead asserted that the drill was used as an excuse to denigrate Christians. “So what allegedly real condition was imagineered? A grotesque scenario saturated with Christian-bashing prejudice and bigotry; a scenario which could never possibly occur.”
And The Captain believes that you are absolutely right Bob.
Now load up the Chuch bus with as many Right-Wing, gun-toting, Fundamentalist Christians as you can find, and go SHOOT THAT FUCKER IN THE HEAD! The thing that makes this useless drill even more useless is the fact that, according to Bob Pawson, even in todays' SOCIALIST dominated American society, school kids CANNOT get expelled for praying before class!
The US Department of Education explicitly affirms the high court ruling
and the national No Child Left Behind educational program penalizes any
school that does not allow for constitutionally protected religious
speech which includes public prayer.
So there ya go, you sucker of dead squirrel dicks, you've exposed yourself for what you truly are. God help you when the balloon finally goes up in this Country.
You fucking wanker!
Go read the whole article, The Captain is to pissed to say anymore about this shit.