None other than this worthless piece of LIMEY shit, Mark Malloch Brown, who is not only the number 2 guy at the United Nitwits but a mealy mouthed, shit eating parasite who knows absolutely NOTHING about us MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS. Listen to me, you privileged, pompous, puffed up, piece of JOHN BULL shit, not only do us Middle Americans know all about what you and your CRIMINAL UN CRONIES DO, we also happen to think that if the entire UN Assembly were to be gunned down by some psychopath, or better yet, be vaporized by a small tactical nuclear device, the world would be a much better place. Sit down and shut the fuck up you tea and crumpet munching cock sucker, and rest secure in the knowledge that with us here on the Right Wing Battleship, your fucking-A NUMBAH ONE! (NOT!).
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